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The Apocalypse Of Numbers
The book “The Apocalypse of Numbers” is a prophetic
document or masterpiece packaged by the Holy Spirit for us
to understand the times and seasons, we are living in.
The book “The Apocalypse of Numbers” is a prophetic document or masterpiece packaged by the Holy Spirit for us
to understand the times and seasons, we are living in. The Lord wants us to discern and understand the times and
seasons so that we can walk worthy of Him, in all ramifications.
This book is elucidated so that we can also be fruitful in every good work and increase in the knowledge of God,
according to His Will. A person who lack these things cannot attain great exploits on behalf of God. Everything in life
responds to the displayed exploits of God.
This book will help you understand that Christianity is more than attending Church services and that it is about
establishing the fullness of God’s Kingdom on the face of the earth. The major key to the manifestation of the
Glorious Church is establishing the Kingdom of God on earth, as designed by God.