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When you surrendered your life to Christ, there's a strength you received, which was higher than you,
that was GRACE. The Bible makes it clear that the Law was given by Moses but Grace and Truth came
by Jesus Christ. Therefore, Jesus is our Point of Contact with grace in the Kingdom.
Many believers live frustrated lives today because they have not learnt how to make the grace of God
work for them, although they have God’s grace potentially. Doors are perpetually shut against them and
it is a continuous cycle of struggles.
But in this book, Pastor Bimbo says, “Grace is God's Veto power in the race of destiny. Men can vote
against you, but when grace speaks for you, grace will veto their vote”. Again he echoes, “In the world, it
is the survival of the fittest, but in the Kingdom, it is the survival of the favoured”.
The fifteen chapters in WHEN GRACE SPEAKS FOR YOU are laden with time - tested and proven
Scriptural principles that are sufficient enough to give you a quauntum leap.